Q: What is a bond issue?
A: A “general obligation bond issue” is a debt of the School District that is payable from taxes against property within the School District. The proceeds the District receives from the sale of the general obligation bonds will be used to pay the costs of various capital improvements to District facilities. Principal and Interest payments come from an annual “debt service property tax levy” that is levied against all property within the boundaries of the District.
Q: What will the cost be for taxpayers?
A: This bond issue requires no tax rate increase.
Q: What is required to pass the ballot issues?
A: In order for the no tax rate increase bond to pass in April, a four-sevenths (4/7ths) super-majority (57.15%) is required.
Q: How will the no tax rate increase bond issue appear on the April 2nd ballot?
Proposition Panthers
Shall the Oak Grove R-VI School District of Jackson County, Missouri issue its general obligation bonds in the amount not to exceed $23,500,000 for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, renovating, improving and equipping school facilities, including, but not limited to (1) acquiring, improving, furnishing and equipping improvements to athletic facilities at the High School, (2) constructing and improving parking at the High
School and Primary School, (3) acquiring, constructing, improving and installing improvements to the Middle School and Elementary School, and (4) acquiring title to school facilities and/or prepaying all or a portion of existing lease obligations?
If this proposition is approved, the debt service levy of the District is estimated to remain unchanged at $1.8670 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation of real and personal property.
Q: What would the no tax rate increase bond issue pay for?
A: Build an auxiliary gym, weight room and wrestling room at the high school along with additional parking in multiple locations and renovation of all locker rooms and the current wrestling building. New roof, chiller and solar panels at the middle school. New windows, blinds and connection to the cafeteria at the elementary. New parking lot and parent pick up lane added to the front of the primary.
Q: How did the district prioritize the proposed projects?
A: In 2019, Oak Grove R-VI conducted a facility audit along with accepting input from patrons and staff of building and campus needs. Areas of high need from that audit were prioritized and completed in the 2020 bond issue. This project is a second phase of that same plan to finish out the top priority needs. A facility committee has continued to use that same facility audit to prioritize what is needed to be completed in this bond.
Q: What would the timeline be for the proposed projects?
A: Projects would begin as soon as the bond passes and should be finished by fall 2025.
Information for Voters
Voter Registration
You can register to vote by using the official link through March 6, 2024.
Absentee ballot applications
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